Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Welcoming Entry

This blog promises to be a place where my many insights about what I am learning this semester will fall. I look forward to learning about blogging, wikis, and podcasting and hope to become a new expert user. I can imagine that blogging will help me to reflect on my experiences as I learn new things and I expect great things this summer. I must admit that I am worried that I will have difficulty keeping up with my more experienced colleagues who are already on board with much of this technology. I imagine that I will be like a child, investigating the new and enjoying the exploration...


Natalie's Google Account said...


I wish I had named my blog something else... it seems so stuffy!! I am not so stuffy!! I really am a fun person. But, under pressure, I use the safe approach... too many locusts in my head telling me that this summer promises to be difficult and demanding...

Katrina said...

I think we are going to have a ball this semester. We can have cats eating locust in our video, locust buzzing and cats meowing in our podcast, cats chasing wikies, (wiki means fast fish in native Hawaiian).

I'm so looking forward to you and Steve's humor. After all it summer, I'm planning on kicking back and adding humor any place I can. Deal? Leaning is so much better when you can laugh along the way.

Tracey said...

I went in and change my blog's name already--I didn't like mine either. Go to settings and you can change it through there, everthing else will be saved, too. Glad to have you back with us!