Monday, June 4, 2007

seeking methods to engage learners

I am always looking for methods to engage my students in learning. For many of my students the learning environment is a place where they experience failure. I believe that each of them has the ability to learn. Many have to be reintroduced to the excitement that they experienced when they were young - going to kindergarten for the first time. I often ask them to try to remember how they felt about school when they were young. "It was fun then," is a common reply.

Through project-based learning, I have found some success and lots of increased interest. I guess they may not know that they are learning and may not completely understand how they are being assessed. But, the unfamiliarity with my assessment practices provides the veil under which I can slip and teach them something - with no fear of failure. Blogging can be used to help my students do research on a topic. Wikis can be used to develop some stronger writing skills. Hopefully, I will get strong enough over the summer to put some new lesson plans into place using this engaging forum... encouraging my students to become geometry locusts!


mommy2Bof3 said...

Your students are lucky to have are right, they are often in an environment where they experience failure. I remember that so well from when I was a special ed teacher. Project-based learning is a great way to reach these kids because it is easier for them to connect to the content. is great too. I am not sure if you sing with your students, but there is a lot of research that shows how effective music for all students when learning.

Steve said...

Today I was looking over some projects created by students in a Social Apps class. On one of the projects, the student was looking at Dislexia. He created a highway school sign - with the little school house and boy and girls walking. The word school on the sign used a mirror writing effect. The caption read - "If school looked like this to you, you'd hate it too." I think the key is in finding ways to reach them. In many cases the usual methods won't work well.